Thinking. Growing. Learning. Changing.

Saturday 21 June 2008

A day in the life...

I've run out of time and steam for the blog at the moment. Life's business is taking over but I thought I'd post a general update until I have any form of intelligible thoughts to share.

I have several projects going on at the moment which are taking up most of my time. First and foremost I've been helping to put together a youth programme for the volunteers who are going out a Stepout Mission with the Baptist Union this year. This is the first year there has been material provided for the youth events as normally it's just given for the children's work. It's been a long and difficult process trying to think of things that would connect with young people from across the spectrum - all ages and stages, churched and unchurched, urban, suburban and country kids! The pack is almost finished and I'm not as pleased with my work as I could have been but hopefully it will serve to inspire the teams to put it to creative use. At the training weekend on Friday I led a couple of activities from the pack as exemplars. I had anticipated there would be about 25 people there but I think there was around 45! Still, it seemed to go well.

As well as the Stepout stuff I'm preparing for camp at LM - my favourite week of the year! This year we're incorporating a prayer room - inspired by the one we had at church recently. It's been a bit of extra work and I'm having to go up a couple of days early but I'm so glad it'll be available. It's been a good chance to let out some of my creativity and share good times with close friends. I've also been asked to co-ordinate the worship for the week so I'm trying to ensure that those who volunteered all get a chance to play, that those doing the talks get to make the arrangements they need and that rehearsal times co-ordinate with all the other rotas. It's a work in progress! Still - I'm very much looking forward to camp and I anticipate that I'll see great things happen. It's always a privilege to be involved and I've never been at a camp where God didn't show up in both subtle and obvious ways. It will be most interesting to see what the prayer room will add to the week. Watch this space!

1 comment:

lynn said...

Have a great time at LM Amie.
Hope you get time to have a rest too.

You'll come back to blogging with all the news of the summer activities to inspire us!

love L xx