Thinking. Growing. Learning. Changing.

Tuesday 6 May 2008


Jesus was...
A challenge to the hypocrits
A healer to the sick
A comfort to the broken hearts
A friend to the sinner
The one who chose the weakest and somehow made them strong.
A man who gave the outcasts somewhere to belong.
Jesus is...
The teacher with faith in his pupils
The shepherd who watches his flock
The father who loves his children
The creator who delights in his creation
The light in the darkness
The hope that chases out fear
The salvation of the lost
The lamb who chose the slaughter
The gift of life
Jesus will....
Work undeniably
Move unexpectedly
Love relentelessly
Forgive endlessly
Heal miraculously
Care tenderly
Accept graciously
Reveal intentionally
Appear triumphantly

Last night in my prayer time I was directed to read Ezekiel Chapter 2. I'm not sure why but I feel like I have a challenge ahead and this is God's warning or direction. I'm not sure what it's about right now but I'm anticipating that God will work undeniably, unexpectedly and unimaginably.


Anonymous said...

Awesome. I'm excited for you! Every blessing Amie in all that God has for you.
Lorraine :)

lynn said...

Ooooh sounds exciting

Hope to hear more as the year progresses!