Thinking. Growing. Learning. Changing.

Thursday 2 October 2008


I thought I'd throw in a general update on things at the moment. I've not had much time to sit and reflect on the past couple of weeks as it's gone in a flash and I still don't know what's happening! So here's a general overview:

ICC - I started last Tuesday at the International Christian College and already I'm feeling quite at home. Both the staff and students are incredibly friendly and it's not full of 'hippy hoodie Christians' which was my initial fear. The past week however has been overshadowed by the illness and death of beloved Vice Principle Ted Herbert. Although I knew him only from a distance I knew from being in college only a day that he was the most loved and respected man, known for his integrity, compassion and open-door policy of never turning anybody away. Such a man is a living testament to love and compassion of Jesus Christ even when he is no longer here. This aside, college life has begun positively and I'm looking forward to settling in and getting down to work.

KBC - Life at my home church is going well. Things are settling down for a new term and I'm enjoying being back to my regular services. I was rarely at church over the summer just through working, being away or just sheer exhaustion. I must admit it's good to be back. Last week I was even back with a different role - taking the sermon! The sermon was split in to two parts. Fellow-student Keith did the first part, talking about how God builds our patience through prayer, and I did the second part, talking about how God helps us to understand His will through prayer. It was pretty nerve-wracking and I'll admit I wasn't as prepared as I could have been (our lovely DG is not so generous with pre-warning or forward planning!). Still, all went well and the message was well received. I had some good conversations and positive feedback afterwards.

Other stuff - I left my job at the pharmacy and worked my last ever shift. I'll admit I gladly rejoiced. I'll miss the people but certainly not the job. It will be so nice to have my Saturdays back! Work at the pub is going well. Last night was the staff night out which was good fun and although I was pretty tired I made it out till about 2am. It was good to just to socialise with people and get to know a bit more about them. There's a diverse range of personalities on the team and somehow that's what makes it such a good group for me. I genuinely love them and pray for them often. I also believe that many an adult would be impressed at the way a group of 18 to 20-somethings can efficiently run a fairly big operation every day. It's not easy but I'm always impressed and encouraged by the team work and capability shown on every shift.

Two weeks ago I started back at Friday Night Live. This was the 'week on' where we were running the new format of having pods (workshops of different varieties) and The Big Show (similar to the Friday Night Project??) which I co-host. It was pretty crazy! There are loads of new, younger kids and it's going to be a case of settling them in and getting them used to keeping within the rules which at the moment they seem quite adamant to test. The joys! Still, I feel it's going to be a good and productive year at FNL.
Friday and Saturday this weekend I'll be attending the Willow Creek Global Leadership Summit which our church is hosting. I'll no doubt be back on here soon with further reflections from that.

That's me at the moment... Life is full. Life is different. Life is good.


Anonymous said...

Hey Aimie Hope you enjoy your studies at ICC- Make the most of your study and enjoy it. Take care - I belive you met Stuart my mate (Pastor at Boness Baptist) this year. Im preaching there sometime - looking for Take Cward to it.Take Care Gav (Wester Hailes)

Living To Serve said...

Thanks Gav! Thanks for dropping in. It's good to hear from you. I did meet Stuart when I was through doing a mission week in Bo'Ness. Good times - he's a nice guy. ICC is treating me well and I intend to make the most of it! Hope things are wel with you,


Anonymous said...

Hi Amie

Just managing to check out some blogs as I've been incredibly busy for what seems ages!!!

Glad to see you have settled in to ICC. If you get a change you might track down my hubby who has just started honours.

I was at the GLS at KBC last weekend so it's a shame I didn't get to chat to you. Perhaps we could meet at ICC for a coffee ... would love to know more about what you're pursuing.

Enjoy studying ... I have many treasured memories of my time there.

Lorraine x

Living To Serve said...

Oh! Fabulous! I didn't realised you'd studied there! And if I thought to post about the GSL earlier I might have known you were going! How unfortunate. Well I'm in ICC Tuesday to Friday every week and classes finish at 1pm so any time you're free just let me know- it would be good to have a 'proper' chat as a opposed to a virtual one! ;)

Have a good week,


lynn said...

Lorri and Aimie, fancy making it a Wednesday at 1 and then I could join you? have been hoping to catch up with you two.

L :-)

Living To Serve said...

Lol - wednesdays at 1pm suit me fine! Pick a date between you and I'll be there =)

Anonymous said...

I usually have a staff meeting at 1pm on Wednesdays but could probably make 2pm this Wednesday if that's any good??

L x

Living To Serve said...

*Thinks* ... Yeah I think I can manage that! 2pm at the Library?

I'm not sure when Lynn's around but if we give her a shout she might let us know.

*Shouts* - "Lyyynnnn....."