Thinking. Growing. Learning. Changing.

Tuesday 26 August 2008

Bars and Beer

For the past three weeks now I have been working in my local pub. It's been a bit of a change from working in the pharmacy but a much needed one. This change of course brings all the usual uncertainties of any new job - a new workplace, new skills, new managers and staff and an altogether very different atmosphere. So far I've enjoyed it. As always I'm still learning the tricks of the trade but the staff team have been exceptionally helpful and understanding as I make mistakes and learn along the way. It's definitely been a change for the better.

Of course, as could be expected there has been the issue of being a witness in a new workplace as well. As far as I know I'm the only Christian on the team and it didn't take long for people to work it out. Asking for Sundays off was probably the first give-away, haha. I make no effort to hide it but I am always conscious of people's reactions and like to get to know people before having 'that conversation' to avoid being labelled from the offset. Interestingly, when it's come up in discussion the usual reactions are questions about my permissible activities; "Do you drink?" and "Are you celibate?" being amongst the most frequent. Some are curious and others complacent but so far all have been quite accepting. It does make me wonder about people's preconceptions of Christians and Christianity. Do they see it as a religion of "Dos and Don'ts" ? Do they see Christians as "the ones that do..." and "the ones that don't..."? So far most of the questions I've been asked have been very much along this line. Over time I'd like to find out what people think about Christianity from an outside perspective. Until then, I'm enjoying the company and even the work. Long may it continue.

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