Thinking. Growing. Learning. Changing.

Monday 21 April 2008


New years resolutions. It's a bit late I know but I didn't want to make them at the time. So, my resolutions for 2008 are:

> Go new places

> Meet new people

> Take more opportunities

Last year was pretty restricted because of teaching placements and other things but this year is much more flexible now that Jordanhill is behind me (resits permitting!). Therefor I want to make the most of my time by going to new places and meeting new people. On Saturday night I went to a random 21st and met a few new people which was good. I have also met a few great new people at camp. I'll be the first to admit I suck at keeping in touch with folk so part of my new resolution is to properly keep in touch with people after camps and parties etc. In particular I have a great set of friends from uni who I really want to keep up with. Meeting new people specifically includes those of the non-christian variety. It's easy to meet new Christians because the Christian networking in Scotland is immense but I need to spend more time out-with Christian circles. Take more opportunities: By this I mean take up those opportunities for random weekends away or going to gigs that might not come around again or whatever it may be. Last year I spent too much time thinking about things and never got round to doing them. So far I had a nice weekend away in Dundee, I've booked my tickets to Frenzy and a weekend in London. Hopefully this year will continue to open up opportunities that I can really make the most of.

Did you make any resolutions? How are you doing so far?


Anonymous said...

I resolved to stick with the achievable in 2008.

My New Year Resolutions:
Go completely bald. Watch more TV. Read fewer books. Eat more, and get fat(ter). Take less exercise. Smell a bit. Wear rubbish clothes. I'm also thinking of starting to smoke. (I'm wearing a nicorette patch even now, to break myself in gently.) --- So far so good!


Lucy Mills said...

I have to say I didn't make any specific resolutions on January 1st, but I suppose it's true to say I collect them through the year! Get closer to God is a biggy for me. I know how easy it is just to paddle in the shallows and not really bother going any deeper.

Popped in via Lynn's blog, hope you don't mind!

Living To Serve said...

Not at all! I love to hear from new people. That's a good resolution and one I seem to make every week never mind every year! Not easy to do either cause I'm one of these people who can do something for a week and then forget... How's it going with you so far?!

Anonymous said...

You sure did have a good weekend in dundee :P Also London will be immense - I can't wait for Wicked! Much popcorn love la moo x